Modica – Resuscitation department reopens

Modica – Resuscitation department reopens

The strategic direction of the ASP of Ragusa communicates the reactivation of the intensive care unit of the “Maggiore-Baglieri” hospital in Modica starting today, Saturday 4 March. As reported by the director of the Technical Service, Pasquale Amendolagine, the damage caused by the heavy rains of 9 and 10 February within the current Intensive Care Unit of the Modica PO has been restored. Furthermore, the work to solve the age-old problem of infiltrations from the roof within the same garrison is going on.

At the same time, together with the regional structure in charge, the activity continues for the completion of the new intensive care unit which will be located, as planned, on the ground floor of the hospital, in rooms more suited to the required health functions.

“The transfer of the intensive care units – confirms the extraordinary commissioner of the ASP of Ragusa, Fabrizio Russo – remains a priority for the Company. In the meantime, however, we have deemed it necessary to reactivate the intensive care service, to promptly meet the needs and expectations of care of the entire district community. I thank the ASP technical service and the company in charge of the work for the speed with which they complied with our requests”.


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