Judo, the gold medal arrives for Giada Settineri from Barcelona in the Italy Trophy in Taranto

– Sports news, Other sports, Current affairs

Prestigious gold medal for the Barcelona judoka Giada Settineri who trains at the Judo Club Pirri gym in Barcelona.

The athlete, under the skilful guidance of Maestro Giuseppe Pirri, defeated his opponents one after the other, conquering the top step of the podium in the Trofeo Italia Beginner Class B (Under 15 athletes) category up to 48 kg, held in Taranto last weekend. 140 Gyms with over 400 athletes from all over Italy took part in the sporting event, full of healthy competition and lots of fairplay.

In her clear path to victory, Settineri won 4 matches, two of which by Ippon (Technical Ko), overcoming Iemma from Caserta, Brindisi from Rome, Cocchi from Forlì and Dolza from Mantua in the final.

Excellent figure also in the men’s category for the Judo Club Pirri athletes Matteo Bartolone, Francesco Calì, Antonio Glielmi and Filippo Spagnolo who, in their first year in the Rookies B category, achieved good results. Also in Taranto, but on the previous weekend, beautiful performances by Alma Curró, Carla Calabrò and Giuseppe Torre, always led by Maestro Pirri, in the cadet category for the Italian A2 championships. Finally, Gabriele Miceli’s 5th place in the 55 kg category is worth mentioning, which earned him the pass to the final of the Italian cadet championships A1.

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