France team: Deschamps is preparing an incredible surprise

The great return of the French team is approaching! After the cruel defeat in the World Cup final against Lionel Messi’s Argentina, the Blues will find Clairefontaine. Didier Deschamps will communicate his list this Thursday and it could hold some nice surprises, especially in defense. Indeed, a new one might be called.

The french team will make a comeback against The Netherlands then against ireland end of March after a painful defeat in the final of the World in Qatar. With the international retreats of Karim Benzema, Hugo Lloris, Steve Mandanda or Raphael Varane, the list of Didier Deschamps should hold surprises. In the defensive sector, for example, the coach of the Blues would prepare a blow.

Kalulu with the Blues?

According Foot Market, Didier Deschamps would have pre-selected Pierre Kalulu. The defender of l’AC Milan could take advantage of the carnage that is hitting the French rearguard to be called up for the first time with the A’s. His cry from the heart has been heard.

When Kalulu challenges Deschamps

« That’s always the ultimate goal. When you play football, you play in the league, you win the title, you play in the Champions League, but in the end the national team remains the national team. In France we are no longer world champions – we almost, almost were – but it’s still the best team in the world, so it’s still something you want to achieve and want to be part of. “confided Pierre Kalulu au Telegraph. The message got through. The young defender will be fixed this Thursday, March 16, date of the list of Didier Deschamps.


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