Carlos Vaca, young promise of Mexican archery, died at the age of 20

MEXICO CITY (apro).- The national sport is in mourning for the death of Carlos Daniel Vaca Cordero, a 20-year-old Mexican goalkeeper, reported the National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports (Conade) through a publication on Twitter.

The Conade and its director, Ana Gabriela Guevara, mourned the death of the Mexican gold and silver medalist goalkeeper at the Cali-Valle 2021 Junior Pan American Games.

Vaca was considered a promise of his sports discipline, not only because of what he achieved in Cali-Valle, but also because in the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games he achieved fifth place and won a bronze medal in the Youth Championship that was held in Madrid in 2019. In addition, in the 2022 Pan American Championship held in Halifax, Canada, he won gold in the Under-21 category.

So far no sports institution or someone close to Carlos have explained what were the causes of the death of the young promise.

After the news was released, athletes such as Aída Román, Valentina Vázquez and Andrea Becerra expressed their condolences on their social networks for the death of the young athlete.

Roman wrote:

“Today an arrow has flown higher and farther, into the sky. The purpose of an arrow is to fly and hit our target. However, today the quiver has been left empty, just like the bow, a line of shot, than the team, than a friend, than a country. The impact of that shot has left us in shock, perplexed and with great shortness of breath. Rest in Peace, Carlos Vaca. My most sincere condolences to all your loved ones “.


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