“We have collapsed Baskonia and tomorrow is another challenge”


The coach of Joventut Badalona, ​​Carles Duran, celebrated the victory against Cazoo Baskonia (94-81) in the quarterfinals of the Copa del Rey de Badalona, ​​where they act as hosts and were able to celebrate the pass to the semifinals against their team, and now they face the challenge of beating Lenovo Tenerife to get into a final that Duran described as historic.

“Baskonia has a very talented outside line. We knew we needed to get them out of the three-point line. It was a game plan, but only with defense we didn’t do it and we needed to attack well, and in the second half we attacked better. The defense of their small was important and they all did their job to wear down Baskonia. We have collapsed them”, he celebrated at a press conference.

“Congratulate the team and the fans, who have been very noticeable. Baskonia has had an extraordinary first round, today the best Baskonia has not been seen partly because of Joventut. We started badly, not because things were not clear or because of nerves, but they hit three well-defended triples and we missed baskets that weren’t easy, but without aim”, he commented on the start of the clash.

However, they got better in time. “At the end of the second quarter we weren’t close, but in the second half we dominated the rhythm and defended very well, players like Ante appeared and the second half was of a very high level to beat a team that was playing very well. Happy Now to recover and enjoy ourselves, but tomorrow we have another major challenge against a very good team”, he warned.

“If the ‘Penya’ win and play the final tomorrow, it will be historic. Above, in Badalona. Tomorrow is a great game. Tenerife comes from winning the Intercontinental with a spectacular squad, with players who have been playing together for some time and very well. No I have to reinforce myself, and if I do it, it’s because of my assistants and players. If we win it will be spectacular, if we lose we will shake hands with Tenerife”, he assured.

“I hope that our enthusiasm, despite being tired, will help us to crush ourselves tomorrow and play the final. We know that each day that passes is exhausting but I prefer that to being at home. We will try to generate more enthusiasm,” he concluded.


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