Top 14: Racing sinks in Lyon

A deluge under a clear sky. Here is the dark result of the sinking of Racing in front of the LOU (45-11) this Saturday at the Gerland stadium in Lyon. Twenty minutes. That’s how long the hopes of Sky and White lasted. Twenty minutes therefore to test the air temperature, the flexibility of the lawn and register two penalties by the opener Antoine Gibert (8th, 14th) against contemplative Lyonnais. The awakening of some led to the long sleep of others. The players of Xavier Garbajosa, who opened their counter in the 20th minute on a penalty from Léo Berdeu, have indeed stepped on the accelerator, offering some high-flying movements to their supporters.

The try of the back Toby Arnold (35th), resulting from a sharp attack in first hand, already looked like a revolt, but what about the one scored three minutes later by the Fijian center Josua Tuisova, who will evolve under Ile-de-France colors next season, notably under the orders of Frédéric Michalak? Sequences of forwards, three-quarter relays … Two-thirds of the players touched the ball, multiplying the passes on a step or after contact to send it to finish in the arms of Tuisova, author of a stunning test after a racket on the back Max Spring and a run of forty meters.

Racing side, nothing or almost. It was not until the games were done (23-6 at the break) to launch sporadically on the attack. We will remember the try in force of Gia Kharaishvili (41st), immediately erased by that of the Lyon winger Davit Niniashvili (43rd), before the place of the Lyonnais including a try in counter and dribbling from 70 meters of the winger Niniashvili five minutes from the end. Of course, Sky and White were missing Gaël Fickou and Finn Russell, each retained by their selection for France – Scotland, this Sunday at the Stade de France, and a host of usual holders, like Nolann Le Garrec or Camille Chat, injured. But the impression made and the operation carried out do not bode well. This Racing is wobbly. He is seventh in the standings and his ticket to the finals is far from validated.


Lyon: 5 tries from Arnold (35th), Tuisova (38th), Niniashvili (43rd, 75th), Cretin (62nd), 4 conversions from Berdeu (35th, 38th, 43rd), 4 penalties from Berdeu (20th, 24th, 30th, 47th, 75th).

Racing 92: 1 try from Kharaishvili (41st), 2 penalties from Gibert (8th, 14th).


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