This is how U21 team player Muharem Huskovic feels

In autumn, Wiener Austria was in shock when Muharem Huskovic was involved in a serious traffic accident. The 19-year-old striker was diagnosed with a tear in the posterior cruciate ligament, concussion and a ruptured spleen after a night of artificial deep sleep at the Baden State Hospital.

Weeks later, “Muki” is fighting for his sporting comeback. At the regulars’ table with Andy Ogris, neo-head coach Michael Wimmer (to the whole episode >>) gives an update on the purple hope.

“I saw him with splints on both knees, which are both gone now,” says Wimmer, reviewing his first five weeks at the distribution group.

The whole Huskovic update in the VIDEO:

Ogerl’s Augerl with Muharem Huskovic:


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