The Inter transfer market also depends on Porto, Leao smiles but the renewal…Di Maria away without the Champions League?

Inter: Porto is worth the transfer market

After solving the practice Udinese in the league, theInter prepares to challenge the Porto in Champions League with the aim of passing the turn decidedly within reach.

Access to Quarters of Finale it would also benefit the nerazzurri in economic terms, the expected entry between bonuses and UEFA revenues is around 20 million euros, an important treasure to invest in the summer transfer market and try the assault on Marcus Thuram, which always remains a sensitive objective of Marotta. With Frank Kessiè always in the background, theInter also prepares a draft contract with the salary intended for the former Rossoneri who will have to be convincing to push the midfielder to leave Barcelona and return to MilanoNerazzurri side.

The De Ketelaere curse and Leao’s smile

Il Milan returns from the away game behind home with full pockets and three fundamental points. Victory in that of Monza has restored serenity and optimism to the troop of Stefano Piolibut despite the victory and the ascent in the classic The Ketelaere it doesn’t unlock. His teammates cheer him up and the club seems willing to wait for him again, a bad season can happen to anyone and next year should be a good one.

Milan: Leao's renewal is a puzzle

Milan: Leao’s renewal is a puzzle

And who knows if in the Rossoneri future there will still be the smiling face of Lionwho always travels at a thousand per hour on the pitch, dancing on the lawn and dribbling opponents like pins, always with that toothy smile of someone who apparently seems happy to be at Milano. However, market rumors circulate through the corridors of Milanello, the renewal does not arrive and the player’s entourage does not show signs of understanding. The summer market will be revealing and will tell us if between the Portuguese and the Milan it will be goodbye, or if the love story continues with that blessed signing and the extension of the contract, obviously at higher figures than what the player himself currently earns.

Di Maria enchants, but could go away

The network with which Of Maria sink it Spice worth between gold points for Max Allegri and his team, who put hay in the farmhouse and continue to rise in the standings. Shot from outside and ball in the corner where the goalkeeper can’t reach, so the World Champion scores his fourth goal in twelve appearances.

Di Maria's fate is linked to the Champions League

Di Maria’s fate is linked to the Champions League

Of Maria will remain at Juventus? Complicated question, which is difficult to answer in times when the transfer market has gone crazy and players change shirts easily. Any failure to qualify for the next one Champions League it could weigh heavily on the decision of a champion, who would like to be able to play again at high levels. Between penalties and off-field affairs, the black and whites try to hold on Of Mariawhich continues to enchant and always give performances above the bar, but without certain conditions it could empty the locker and leave Torino.


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