The government maintains the work in the national sport

The government maintains the work in the national sport

Since the beginning of his administration, the state representative athletes have had full support from Governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, since expenses such as air transportation, travel and competition uniforms are covered, as well as food and lodging for those who defend the Morelense banner in events endorsed by the
National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport (Conade).

The foregoing, through the Morelos Sports Institute (Indem), an agency that, together with athletes, parents and coaches, has formed a quartet that gives results in the national medal table, since in the past Conade 2022 National Games, fair considered the maximum youth sporting event in Mexico, 70 medals were achieved: 18 golds, 21 silvers and 31 bronzes.

This is the second best figure of all time since 1996 when said competition formerly known as the National Olympiad was created, being only two away from exceeding the maximum range that was achieved in 2012, of 71 metals; however, for this year, they seek to break the record with disciplines that have stood out such as swimming, weightlifting, athletics, archery, triathlon, golf, basketball, tennis, karate,
taekwondo, chess, triathlon, fronton, badminton, boxing and Olympic wrestling.

Likewise, within the adapted sport, a total of 22 medals were harvested in the Conade Hermosillo 2022 Paranational Games; while, in the National Indigenous Sports Meeting, five; and in the Popular National Games, 15; These last two sports festivals were held in Morelense territory, being hosted by
of more than 3 thousand 500 athletes from all entities of the country.

It should be noted that, in order to motivate the state representatives to get on the national podium, athletes have been recognized and financially rewarded, as well as their respective coaches, who obtain medals in any of the four aforementioned competitions.

With these results, Morelos is transformed in terms of sports and for this year 2023, the Government of Cuauhtémoc Blanco will implement sports scholarships for outstanding athletes, confirming the moral and economic support that is given to those who proudly wear the state uniform in national and international competitions of various specialties.


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