Sarah Michelle Gellar criticizes the backward thinking of many superhero movie fans

The name of Sarah Michelle Gellar will forever be associated with the legendary television series ‘Buffy, cazavampiros’, but it’s been 20 years since it came to an end and she, obviously, has continued working. The actress is currently in the middle of promoting ‘Wolf Pack’, something that has taken the opportunity to criticize the machismo of many fans of superhero movies.

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In an interview with The Guardian, Gellar stressed that it is in “genre works they can succeed and attract the public” -let’s remember that we could also see her in titles like ‘Scream 2’ or ‘I know what you did last summer’-, but at the same time she has highlighted the great problem that exists in everything related to the superhero movies:

Every time a Marvel movie tries to make a movie with women, they rip it apart. Unfortunately, the public did not accept it so well. The male superhero mentality still exists, A very retrograde way of thinking.

Taking into account the review-bombing campaigns suffered by titles like ‘Captain Marvel’, ‘Ms. Marvel’ or ‘She-Hulk: Lawyer She-Hulk’ it’s hard to doubt these harsh statements of Gellar. Of course, among those who criticized them, there are also people who simply believe they are bad, but in some situations it seemed that they came with hatred from home.

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Finally, the actress also completely ruled out a possible return to the character
by Buffy Summers. She does agree that “there are more stories to tell”, but she does not want to be a part of it and thus explains her reasons:

I am very happy with what I have contributed. Even if he did a cameo, it would only be compared. You want to give someone the opportunity to create from scratch.


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