Kevin Love close to breach of contract with Cavaliers

True icon of the Cleveland franchise, craftsman of the sublime title of 2016 – the first of the franchise – Kevin Love is currently in the process of finalizing the termination of his contract with the Cavaliers. A somewhat sad ending for a man who lived it all in Ohio.

Kevin Love and the Cavaliers, an adventure that will end in a few hours, a few days at most. The player who spent nine seasons in Cleveland will have lived it all, from LeBron James’ personal call to sign him in 2014 to the ultimate title joy in 2016. This season, Love had to deal with a thumb injury before finally being dropped from JB Bickerstaff’s rotation, by mutual agreement. The objective behind this decision? Leave room and playing time for Dean Wade.

Last great piece of the NBA champion team, the departure of KL will definitely turn the page in Cleveland. Currently fourth in the East, the roster of the Cavs is led by a young generation of talented players, all under the baton of star Donovan Mitchell. For Kevin Love, the statistical contributions were clearly in decline. From 13.6 points last season, the strong winger has risen to 8.5 this year. A low average for a salary of $28.9 million this season.

Free agent this summer, the Cavaliers want to cut it now, to free up a place in the group in order to possibly find an additional piece to best approach the Playoffs. According The Athleticthe Heat have already expressed interest in recovering Kevin, a stand-in of choice for Bam Adebayo. In the race for a place in the postseason, Miami would not deprive itself of a signature, as the profile is experienced. The All-Star break will allow the various parties to settle the details of this contract buyout. No doubt when Love returns to Cleveland, the tribute video will be moving.

Source : ESPN, The Athletic


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