How is the “Team Halle” doing in the Central German Basketball League? – You are Halle

On the last Saturday, Team Halle’s U13s (consisting of BBC Halle, USV Halle and the BSW Sixers) completed a successful first half of the season. Although the last game in Chemnitz was lost 52 to 68, coach Michael Schröder is very satisfied with the first half of the season (3 wins and 2 losses).

M. Schröder: “Halle has become competitive again. After a long dry spell, the city’s male youth basketball can show itself again and keep up at eye level!”

Since the defeats in Chemnitz and against table leader Jena in the week before were more due to their own nerves than to performance, there are legitimate hopes of improving the 3rd place in the table in the remaining games. Let’s continue with the first game of the second half of the season on Saturday. The NINERS from Chemnitz will be guests at the Robert Koch School again.

The Halle U14 team had their nerves well under control on Sunday in Dresden. After an even first quarter, the team lost their rhythm in the second quarter and were 45-28 behind at halftime. Through a strong fighting and concentrated performance, this deficit could be compensated by the end of the 3rd quarter. 2.6 seconds before the end of the game, the Dresdeners scored the 62 – 60 with a lay-up and thought they were on the road to victory. In the end, however, the guests from Halle were able to celebrate, who turned the game around with a buzzer beater from just behind the halfway line by Mark Chetverhov and won 63-62.

Thus, the team of Marcus Brambora and Elias Maahs is in the MDL U14 Final Round A with one win and one loss in 3rd place. On Sunday the Halle team will be guests in Jena.

Things haven’t been going so well for the U12s so far. Coach Lorenz Kalis’ newly assembled team lost their first game of Final Round B 82-52 in Gotha on Saturday. Since the team only really comes together this season and the squad was gradually put together over the course of the season, the season is used to find each other, to get used to it and to gain experience. Since 2 important players were absent from Gotha on Saturday due to injuries or other commitments, one can also look positively into the future in this age group. The boys continue on the first weekend in March.


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