Golf – Bernhard Langer sets a tour record – Sport

Suddenly everything fell away from Bernhard Langer. The veteran raised his fists, threw his cap in the air and let out a whoop: With his 45th victory on the US Champions Tour for the over-50s, the 65-year-old equaled Hale Irwin’s record – and wrote another chapter in golf history. Langer started with an outstanding round of 64 at the Tiburon Golf Club. In the hard-fought final round, the two-time Masters champion (1985 and 1993) kept his nerve and played a strong 65. With a total score of 199, he was three shots ahead of Steve Stricker of the United States and Padraig Harrington of Ireland.

“When I first came here, I thought: This will never happen,” said Langer, who has been active on the senior tour for more than 15 years and celebrated his first success there in 2007: “Hale, if you’re watching, heartfelt Congratulations, you’re a great champion. And I’m honored to have equaled your record.” Langer, “the timeless miracle”, delivered, wrote the Association of Professional Golfers (PGA) with great respect for Anhauser’s career.

With the success in his adopted home of Florida, Bernhard Langer also improved his record as the oldest winner on the Champions Tour.


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