“Gaines? Disgruntled players shouldn’t stay in Trieste”

“Gaines? Disgruntled players must not stay in Trieste”. As Mario Ice, GM of Basketball Triesteduring the spike of The Sports Café of Telequattro, on the possible departure of the American player already made official by the French of Fos Provence. “When he was signed by us this summer, he had been signed with a well-defined role: that of coming off the bench in order to change the game. In the last period he has no longer accepted this role, he has externalized it to us and to his agent who at that point has worked hard to find him an alternative. About fifteen days ago an interest arrived from Dubaitoday this very dangerous communiqué from the French turns up which perhaps means that Gaines may already have signed a precontratto. Tomorrow we will evaluate any market alternatives and then decide what to do: in any case, those who are not happy to stay here need not necessarily stay in Trieste”.

Ghiacci also spoke of the names that are around to replace Gaines: “Per Alviti the speech is complicated, he plays little in Milan but he is part of their roster, it seems very unlikely to me that he will be able to return to us. Sanders? Here the discussion is more possible, in Verona he is suffering, he knows us well and it would be a less problematic graft than many others”.

Finally, the GM also spoke about Corey Davis, particularly impatient on social media in the last few hours: “He is a very proud player and we love him for this, his statement starts from the fact that he was not included in the starting lineup yesterday against Tortona. Some anger from him we can accept ”.

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