Carvalhal: “We are going to give everything against Valladolid to reciprocate the affection and love of the fans”

The Celta coach hopes that his team will respond tomorrow with a win against Valladolid to the reception prepared by the fans of the team from Vigo before an important date in the fight for permanence between two direct rivals. For this appointment in Balaídos (4:15 p.m.), Carlos Carvalhal will not be able to count on the suspended Renato Tapia and the injured Óscar Mingueza, for whom he calculates some two weeks off after injuring the front face of his right thigh. To replace the Catalan on the right side, the Portuguese coach did not clear up the doubt as to whether he will have Kevin Vázquez or Hugo Mallo, although he included Solari in the shortlist. For both absences, Carvalhal has cited Hugo Sotelo, who has already entered the squad against Atlético de Madrid, and Javi Domínguez, who makes his debut in the first team after signing last summer for the subsidiary from Talavera and after training in the Real Madrid youth academy. The defender enters the list of 23 footballers after Aidoo suffered some discomfort during the week that, however, will not prevent him from starting tomorrow against an opponent who also has two important casualties: the goalkeeper Masip and the attacker Darwin Machís , one of the highlights since he joined the blanquivioletas in the winter market.

Carvalhal admitted at the press conference after the last training session of the week at the Afouteza sports complex that he found the three-game ban on Tapia “excessive” and “outrageous” for telling the referee “What arrogance” after being sent off in Anoeta. “It was not a direct insult. In football there are very bad, very ugly insults”, said the coach from Braga, for whom the problem in this case is “the regulations” and against which it was not possible to present an allegation, as Celta did despite the anger of Tapia, expecting more support from the club against what the Peruvian considers an injustice. “What is wrong is the regulation because throwing away almost a month of work from a player for saying that he is arrogant seems outrageous to me”. match against Sevilla, Carvalhal insists on facilitating the work of the referees and transmitting that message to his players: “We have to keep quiet and respect the arbitration. I have transmitted it to the group and to Renato. I am next to Tapia, but at the same time I tell you that this is the regulation”.

Despite the loss of a starter like Mingueza, Carvalhal is calm because he believes that any of his players is ready to play. And he gives as an example those that he uses from the bench and that usually perform well. “The players who don’t play are training very hard and I have players ready if necessary. The substitutes that enter always improve and that is a sign of health. I like a squad that when the week starts everyone thinks they can play the next game. For me they are all starters and they are all prepared. And in that speech he talked about how players like Diego Alves, Seferovic, newcomers to Vigo, Williot or Paciencia, are able to play at any time.

The Celta coach highlighted tomorrow’s rival. “Valladolid has an identity, they look for the opposite goal, they have good players. He has strong points and I am grateful that the forward on the left cannot play. We will try to take advantage of his weaknesses, ”said Carvalhal, who appreciates the mobilization of Celticism for tomorrow’s event, in which Eusebio Sacristán will become the first ambassador of Celta’s centenary and will take the honor roll. Before, Celtic has called a meeting to receive the team on its arrival by bus to the stadium. “I want to give a strong word to our supporters clubs, in gratitude for organizing tomorrow the welcome upon arrival at Balaídos. I can promise that on the field we will do everything possible to reciprocate that support and love.”


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