Basketball: Bayern in the cup final! But noise in the cabin aisle with Alba | Sports

What footballers can do, basketballers have been able to do for a long time!

Zoff in the cabin aisle after the hottest duel in German basketball. FC Bayern Munich and Alba Berlin faced each other in the cup semifinals in Oldenburg.

Bayern advanced to the final Sunday (3 p.m., Magentasport live) against the hosts (92:86 against Ludwigsburg) with a 83:77. But that was quickly secondary.

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On the way to the dressing room, the Bayern stars had to go through a door over and next to which the Alba fans were standing. They probably insulted the winners, which clearly upset Bayern sports director Daniele Baiesi (47) and manager Marko Pesic (46). They leathered back, which in turn did not please Alba’s team manager Tommy Thorwarth (43). In front of the cabin, he and Pesic almost went to the laundry.

Bayern President Herbert Hainer (68) intervened and separated the two. Spicy: Pesic once played for Berlin for eight years.

Just a few hours after Julian Nagelsmann (35) caused a cabin scandal in Gladbach with Bayern Munich, there is the next catacomb noise from Munich!

Sporty: The anticipated final of the only two German Euroleague teams was a pure Alba party in the stands. Embarrassing: the 1000 Berlin fans who traveled with us faced 50 from Munich. Bayern was also the only team that arrived without a mascot.

Bayern cut a better figure on the field and never let Alba pull away by more than three points. Despite Jaleen Smith (22) with 31 points.

Bavaria’s national player Andreas Obst (centre) tanks up against Berlin’s Luke Sikma (left) and Yovel Zoosman

Photo: Matthias Stickel/dpa

Bayern international Andreas Obst (26): “Many didn’t expect us to win. But that was what we wanted and we stayed cool. But nothing is won yet.”

Whether Bayern’s Augustine Rubit (33) will play in the final is more than questionable. The American twisted his right foot after 33 minutes, had to be led off the field by teammates and was taken to the hospital.

Best shooters: Cassius Winston (21 points) for Bayern and Jaleen Smith (31 points, including seven three-pointers) for Alba, who was the only player on his team to score in double figures. Not enough to reach the final.


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