Bart De Pauw back home after suicide attempt: “Bart has been very deep lately” | InstagramHLN

UPDATETelevision maker Bart De Pauw (54) returned home on Tuesday after he was urgently taken away earlier in the day after a suicide attempt. “Bart has been very deep lately,” says his wife Ines De Vos to the editors of HLN.

“Bart has been very deep lately, you can understand that. He walks around with great sadness, anger and great shame. He has been in treatment for a long time. Sometimes things go relatively well for him. On other days it doesn’t work. We hope to get through this. And now of course want to be there for Bart. We want to be able to process this in peace now and hope that everyone will now also give us that rest.”

Bart De Pauw was discredited a few years ago after complaints about transgressive behaviour. The VRT therefore broke off cooperation with De Pauw, and a trial followed in 2021 before the criminal court in Mechelen. There, De Pauw was found guilty of electronic nuisance and harassment. He was sentenced to six months in suspended prison. A year later, he brought civil proceedings against the VRT before the court in Brussels, but he also lost out there.

LOOK. Bart De Pauw and his wife received many statements of support throughout the day, but are also shocked by the many hate reactions on social media, says journalist Rosalie Pieters in VTM NEWS

If you have questions about suicide, you can contact the Suicide Line via the free number 1813 or at

READ ALSO. Jan Verheyen: “Bart has been naughty and is never allowed to play again: that is fucking hard when you are 54” (+)

Bart De Pauw’s lawyer responds: “Bart has become a pariah. At one point it was unbearable”

How we report on Bart De Pauw

LOOK. Explained in 2 minutes: this is what the Bart De Pauw case was about

Archive image. Television producer Bart De Pauw (54) © Photo News


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