Bad news from Turkey. Information about finding Christian Atsu denied Football

Monday morning in eastern Turkey was one of the most tragic in many years. More than 2,000 people have died and more than 13,000 have been injured in the 7.8 magnitude earthquake. Among those trapped under the rubble is still Christian Atsu, although a few hours ago the daily “A Bola” reported that the footballer was saved, the information was denied by Hatayspor vice president Mustafa Özat.

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No help and weather problems

Antiochia, the home of Hatayspor, is one of the most affected by the morning’s earthquake. Almost the entire city was ruined, and thousands of inhabitants are still under the rubble. The weather is not improving either. At night, the temperature drops below zero, making it very difficult for many people to survive under the rubble.

– If someone has the opportunity, he tries to survive on the street. So far we have not received any help. Our residents are also valuable people, as important as the rest. Those who were supposed to come to us were delegated elsewhere. It’s incredibly cold here. We desperately need support,” Mustafa Özat told Turkish media.

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Atsu still under rubble

Unfortunately, the information provided a few hours ago by the daily “A Bola” turned out to be not true. According to Özat, both footballer Christian Atsu and sports director Taner Savut are still under the rubble. The buildings where the two had spent the night had completely collapsed, and those involved in rescuing the victims were only able to extricate those who were not buried deep.

– Unfortunately, we still know that both Taner Ssavut and Christian Atsu are still under the rubble. We couldn’t find both. The buildings in which they lived became enthusiastic, continued the Vice-President of Hatayspor.

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We will have to wait until the morning for the next handful of information about the rescue operation. More details on the situation in Turkey as a whole should then be given. Mustafa Özat should also speak about his employees.


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