At the MJC, three Wednesdays dedicated to archery in Espéraza

This 1st day dedicated to archery took place in the courtyard of the Jules-Ferry elementary school with quality equipment provided by Alain, the educator from the Department’s Outdoor Service. The shooting session began with individual trials. Good posture, concentration, mastery or even correction… Alain gave valuable advice by combining listening, effort and the pleasure of the activity, in complete safety! After the individual session, it’s time for team play with some constraints on the target levels to be reached. The decision to shoot the last remaining arrows was democratically discussed by each team. The apprentice archers not only did archery, they also took part in storing the equipment. Fabienne and Lucette, members of the MJC, helped to supervise this sporting activity for the 10 children and teenagers present. The second day reserved for archery took place on Wednesday February 15 and the third (the last) will take place
March 8.


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