Transfers: transfer market today, live

Last minute of the transfer market | Ups, downs and rumors

GOOD MORNING! Welcome to this live transfer market. Will there be many movements this Wednesday? We’ll see… For now, pay attention because here we are going to tell you everything that happens throughout the day. Rumors, transfers, assignments, operations that are advancing, negotiations that are broken…

We have already passed the equator of the month of january and the hottest days of the market are approaching. The European teams continue working to strengthen their squads for this second part of the atypical season due to the break of the World Cup in Qatar 2022.

Before we begin, we leave you here the highlights of the day yesterday.

– The interest of Al Nasser in Kaylor Navas.

Miguel Angel Ramireznew coach of Sporting.

– FC Barcelona Femenino renews Ingrid Engen.

– The possible signing bridge of Denis Suárez.

Ocampos return to Seville

Marcelo Bielsa, on the list of the Mexican Federation to occupy the position of selector.

Karikaburunew signing of Leganés.

Reyson if it incorporates Borussia.

Sarabia token by Wolves.

There is no time to lose. After a Tuesday full of news, This Wednesday promises strong emotions. LET’S BEGIN LIVE ON THE TRANSFER MARKET!


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