The Mirandais Basket Club in full swing

It is now a long time ago when basketball in Mirande was the headliner of Gers sports, cheerfully crossing the borders of France. Slowly but surely the club has curled up on itself despite the good will of the players and leaders who have succeeded in the powder keg room.

The revival of basketball in Mirande

Today, the Basket Club du Mirandais has started its 2nd season with its new management team and all hopes are allowed to rebuild in Mirande a club worthy of the sub-prefecture. Everything is to be rebuilt or almost, but little by little the structure should attract new players.

The number of licensees has increased from 19 to 41 in young teams (from Poussins to Minimes) and a “Leisure” team is very motivated.

Anxious to present correct outfits to its players, the renewal of the locker room is necessary. New jerseys should appear shortly, they are being made. The members of the office have also strived to find new sponsors to give themselves the means to carry out their project.

It is with this in mind that, in partnership with Décibel Animation, (Mirandaise animation association), a live lotto is offered on 24, 27 and 28 January. A new form of this board game that allows you to play comfortably seated on your sofa with friends, in front of your screen or your smartphone. In this period when it is not good to put your nose outside, this is the perfect opportunity to discover this very secure and highly regulated formula.

Beyond the finances which always remain the sinews of war, the club is also looking for volunteers in order to continue its development in all serenity.

The management team is made up of: President: Julien Farrugia, Secretary: Alexia Farrugia, Treasurer: Jessica Forment contact 06 67 44 72 90

To participate in the lottery and support the club registration on


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