Summer course: Indoor Archery in the Federal Shooting Patria de Río Gallegos

Until April 14, registration will be open to participate in the archery summer course in it Shooting Federal Homeland from the capital of Santa Cruz, located at Ángel Vicente Peñaloza 3741 street.

The proposal will be developed two days a week from 18 to 20 hours. The course will consist of 10 hours per class. The days indicated would be Monday and Wednesday of this month. This summer training is focused on people from the age of 15 onwards, they can be adults of both sexes. The teacher in charge will be Javier Levicoynational coach and authorized by the Argentinian Archery Federation.

The experience is intended for people over 15 years of age and older.

This course enables the participants as a starting goalkeeper, to participate in tournaments that other clubs carry out throughout the country. It is an official certification and authorized by a level 1 national coach of the Argentine Archery Federation. The course will focus on the theoretical part of the bow, what the sport is, its entire history, the arming and disarming of an arrow, archer shooting posture and techniqueamong other things.

The participants beyond the theory will have the practical part, they will be able to launch the arrows on targets at 2 meters at first. As they progress through the course, they will increase the distances until they reach the end, which is 15 meters, due to the space that the building has.

Generally in this discipline the quotas are limited, no more than 10 people. As far as he could find out The Southern OpinionUp to 12 participants per course have been received, but that depends on the number of registered students. In the same way, in the courses that were carried out during all these years, there have always been people on the waiting list and they have been taken into account in the next courses.

Students from Puerto Santa Cruz and Gobernador Gregores are already enrolled.

Registration time is two days before the start of the course. Registrations are made through the link published on the social networks of Instagram and Facebook of the institution from Rio de Janeiro. Applicants must complete the form with the stipulated requirements. However, that is not all because they will have to pay the registration fee, which It has a cost of 7 thousand pesos. The confirmation of registration will be given once the photo of the DNI and the proof of transfer to the CBU of the club have been sent. The purpose of the registration fee is to continue contributing to the purchase of more accessories for this sport and the repair of the bows and arrows that the club already has.

It is not the first time that this course has been carried out. In fact, this It is an initiation course to archery. It has been taking place at the club since approximately 2008-2009. First it came out as an internal course for club members, and later, in the face of so much attendance and requests from outside, it was decided by the entity to open it to the general public.


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