Ratiopharm Ulm plays against leaders Bonn


In the duel between Ulm and Bonn, two tiny basketball players, Yago Santos and TJ Shorts, can be admired.

Yago Mateus dos Santos or Yago for short and Timothy Neocartes Shorts or TJ for short are each given a height of 1.75 meters. In real life, that’s still normal, but in basketball you’re one of the tiny ones. The advantage: You play on a different level and what you do looks particularly spectacular in this giant sport. It’s no coincidence that Parker Jackson-Cartwright, who is only 1.80 meters tall, was voted the most valuable player in the basketball Bundesliga last season. Incidentally, second place went to TJ Shorts, the successor to Parker Jackson-Cartwright in Bonn, who was still playing for Crailsheim at the time. Shorts will win this season, the experts are pretty much in agreement – and if Yago Santos continues like this, he could well end up in the top three. People just like these magic gnomes. Anyone who is allowed to take part in the MVP elections can get help with the decision on Tuesday from 7 p.m. when Ulm plays Yago Santos against Bonn with TJ Shorts.

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