Opinion on Oviedo, Sporting and FIFA: Infantino and expiration

The Qatar World Cup, the one with black gold, the one with the briefcases and the overwhelming ones, the one that consecrated Messi, continues to leave pearls that, at least, incite uncontrolled laughter before breaking down in tears. They say that Infantino, named Gianni, president of the honest and not at all suspicious FIFA, gave specific orders to the television operator that carried out the World Cup matches that he had to go out at least once in each match and never, never, looking at his mobile , in addition to other things. Come on, a “life, make me handsome, my mother is going to be watching me” from the manual. Anyway.

For the rest, those of Almirante Cervera live intensely the winter market, which, as the Real Oviedo coach says, depends more than ever on the desire/whim of the player on duty. In Gijón, waiting for what happens in Santander in the duel with the team of brother-in-law Miguel Ángel Revilla, Abelardo says that he is very comfortable with what he has, that he feels that the players are with him (message to the heights? ?) And that, by not asking, he didn’t even ask Jeraldino, the last great rojiblanca hope in this transfer window.

It remains to be seen when the mystery of when the battering ram will be ready for its premiere will be resolved and if it will take place in the Pitu era or in later chapters of the unstoppable coming and going of technicians in this “van” with short expiration dates , very short, did you hear, dude?


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