Olympic Stadium ready to host the NFL

A few days after the inauguration of a new synthetic surface, the management of the Olympic Park announced on Saturday that talks are underway with the Goodell circuit in order to hold meetings from next season.

A wind of optimism is blowing in the offices of the Olympic park, according to the vice-president of operations and commercial development, Alain Larochelle, saying he is confident that Montreal will once again become a land of welcome for the NFL.

football à Montréal, je crois que nos chances sont bonnes [...] Si l'on n'est pas sélectionnés pour la saison 2023, ils nous ont clairement réitéré leur intérêt de venir pour la saison 2024 et les années suivantes","text":"Basé sur l'historique très solide du football à Montréal, je crois que nos chances sont bonnes [...] Si l'on n'est pas sélectionnés pour la saison 2023, ils nous ont clairement réitéré leur intérêt de venir pour la saison 2024 et les années suivantes"}}">Based on the very solid history of football in Montreal, I believe our chances are good […] If we are not selected for the 2023 season, they have clearly reiterated their interest in coming for the 2024 season and the following years.he explained in an interview on RDI.

The National Football League is eyeing the Quebec metropolis as part of its international series. The vice-president of operations and commercial development of the Olympic park, Alain Larochelle, was on the airwaves of RDI to discuss the Montreal bid.

football, c'est pour ça qu'on maintient les pourparlers et on désire conclure d'ici un an au maximum","text":"C'est plus qu'un match, ce serait quelques matchs qui pourraient avoir lieu dans les 10 prochaines années. L'idée est de bâtir notre relation avec la Ligue nationale de football, c'est pour ça qu'on maintient les pourparlers et on désire conclure d'ici un an au maximum"}}">It’s more than a game, it would be a few games that could happen in the next 10 years. The idea is to build our relationship with the National Football League, that’s why we are maintaining the talks and we want to conclude within a year at the most.added Alain Larochelle.

Wishing to improve its offer to the four corners of the globe, the NFL developed its international series in 2007, paving the way for the organization of 39 games outside the United States, ie 33 in London, 5 in Mexico City and 1 in Berlin.

The league wants to expand the reach of cities that host these games. It is therefore a significant number of games that are part of the league’s regular schedule. These games take place early in the fall. We have seen fit to submit our applicationmentioned Alain Larochelle.

Note that 14 of the 30 NFL enclosures are equipped with a synthetic turf pitch. The surface of the Olympic stadium now complies with the standards of the Goodell circuit, according to Alain Larochelle.

We have a new surface of very high quality. What we were told is that it roughly compares to the surface that was installed in Atlanta [au domicile des Falcons]. I think it sends a very positive message to the league that we are ready to do what is necessary to welcome the teams.

In the past, two NFL games have taken place at the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, first on August 18, 1988 between the New York Jets and the Cleveland Browns, then on August 9, 1990 between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Patriots of New England.

Each team must now play at least one game outside of US borders per eight-year cycle. The decision took effect in 2022, the year in which the NFL’s schedule was reduced from 16 to 17 games per season.


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