New anti-doping premises at the Senago baseball field

The Carlo Tosi Baseball Sports Center in Senago is a candidate to become a flagship of the city thanks to the contributions for the redevelopment allocated by the Lombardy Region: new electronic scoreboard and new premises for anti-doping, thanks also to the contributions allocated by the Lombardy Region.

Senago, baseball field: luminous billboard and anti-doping rooms

Long awaited interventions, that of the new luminous scoreboard and anti-doping rooms, in the public structure in via per Cesate where the Senago Baseball Serie A trains today. Which has brought the name of Senago to the top and which sees the number of athletes who approach this sport grow year after year. The Center was built in 1974 by the Senago Baseball Club on an area rented by Count Febo Borromeo. In 2007 the municipal administration became the owner of the entire complex, area and sports centre. However, the current state of the facility is not able to guarantee the quality safety standards for practicing sports in compliance with Coni and Fibs regulations, even if the facility managed by Senago Baseball is a center with high potential that hosts championships national teams and attracts sports teams from all over Italy.

Baseball Field Redevelopment, Senago: “Long Overdue”

Due to the availability of spaces, it is considered one of the most important in the entire provincial territory. In via per Cesate there are over a hundred young athletes including minibaseball, under 12, under 15, under 18, a Serie C team shared with Bollate, and Serie A which among the numerous successes brought home also boasts the presence of players, like Matteo Marelli and Alessandro Laise, who have just returned from the world championship in the United States. “The redevelopment has been long awaited at the Center in via per Cesate – explained the president of Senago Baseball, Stefano Basilico – it is a very important place both from a sporting point of view, and the great results obtained by the teams, and for its social and aggregative value that involves athletes, families, staff and all enthusiasts. This is why we have decided as a company to commission a project and donate it to the municipal administration”.

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