Franz Wagner leads Orlando Magic to victory

National basketball player Franz Wagner led his Orlando Magic team to victory in the NBA. Wagner was his team’s top scorer with 29 points in the 109:106 (50:50) win at the Portland Trail Blazers. Especially in the final quarter, the 21-year-old Wagner turned up the heat with 15 points and prevented the Trail Blazers from catching up. His brother Moritz Wagner contributed eleven points to victory.

Portland. The Miami Heat improved an NBA record more than 40 years old by beating the Oklahoma City Thunder 112-111: Led by Jimmy Butler, the Heat converted all 40 free throws in the game, one more than the Utah Jazz in December 1982. Butler came on 35 points and hit from the free-throw line on his 23 attempts – with the last one, the Heat’s star player gave his team a decisive lead shortly before the end. Only two players in NBA history have 24 successful free throws in a game without a miss: James Harden and Dirk Nowitzki.

The Golden State Warriors lost 113-125 to the recently struggling Phoenix Suns when Stephen Curry returned. Curry scored 24 points in his first outing after eleven games due to a shoulder injury. Despite 43 points from league top scorer Luka Doncic, the Dallas Mavericks lost 101:113 to the Los Angeles Clippers.

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