Football Caen – L2: The poignant “thank you” from Stéphane Moulin

A week ago, SM Caen announced the tragic disappearance of the wife of Stéphane Moulin, the Norman coach.

“It is with great sadness that the Malherbe Stadium Caen learned today of the disappearance of Armelle Moulin, wife of Stéphane Moulin, coach of the professional team. announced in the most total amazement the Stade Malherbe de Caen in an official press release. This tragedy was followed by a nauseating controversy over FC Sochaux’s refusal to postpone the match originally scheduled for Saturday between Caen and Sochaux. The meeting, the date of which was set for the day of the funeral of Stéphane Moulin’s wife, has been postponed. And on this occasion, the Caen coach received thousands of testimonials of support. In the columns of the Ouest-France newspaper, the ex-coach of Angers wanted to thank all the people who showed him sympathy in this terrible ordeal.

The poignant letter from Stéphane Moulin

“Beyond the 700 people present last Saturday in the church of Saint-Georges-sur-Loire, you are still hundreds to show me your support. I don’t have words strong enough to tell you how much your compassion touched me to accompany Armelle to the end. If I am unable to answer you individually, know that I have read and heard all your words which have done good to my family. I felt a lot of humanity in the attention of all those involved in football, amateur and professional, and in particular the faithful of the Stade Malherbe. This closeness, in pain, warmed our hearts. I felt calm after the incomprehensible misunderstanding about the postponement of the match at Sochaux. I thank the Sochaux supporters for having understood that the place of the players of SM Caen was to be by my side on the day of the burial, and not on a football field. Wisdom prevailed. That’s what I’ll remember. Finally, I salute all the caregivers who have brought Armelle their skill and courage. Armelle loved life. Your testimonies commit me, with my family, to remain upright and dignified in order to respect what they believed in: the taste for life above all.” testified Stéphane Moulin in a poignant letter published on Tuesday.


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