Decazeville. It’s time for the resumption of the championship for hockey players

the essential
Decazevillois hockey players have agreed with their Tarn counterparts from St-Sulpice to play in national 4.

For this 2022-2023 season, Amicale Roller, which does not have a Laminoir 2 room (due to works), does not offer a skating section or roller hockey.

The senior Roller Hockey team “Les Gueules Noires”, which competes, entered the French National 4 championship and made an agreement with the Tarn neighbors “Les Astronuts” of Saint-Sulpice. The agreement, for this first half of the championship in the Occitanie group (made up of 9 teams: Toulouse A, Toulouse B, Rodez, Tarbes, Perpignan, Montpellier, Colomiers and St Orens), works rather well. This team from St-Sulpice/Decazeville occupies 4th place in the championship with 15 points (5 wins and 3 losses).

A 4th place which is a little frustrating for the hockey players because only 4 points separate them from the leader Columérin. But, be careful, in this pool nothing is decided, all the teams have experienced defeat, which will make the second part of the championship even more intense. The Aveyronnais and Tarnais have a fortnight of additional break with one day free. They will go to the Colomiers floor on January 29.

Joys of amateur sport

Despite the unfailing support of the municipality of Decazeville and the leaders of the Amicale du roller to find a temporary solution without rolling mill 2, the absence of training is felt: automation, game systems, individual technique, defensive withdrawal, rigor … “If you don’t practice, you can’t apply automatisms and certain game phases during matches. a good atmosphere with smiles and the sharing of emotion, In short, the simple joys of an amateur sport, hockey players love that”, confides Marc Teulier.


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