Archery athletes from Sinaloa make their way in national championships – El Sol de Sinaloa

Culiacán, Sin.- The archery continues to make its way to Nacional level having the best year in 2022 with many medals in the national Federation championships, which speaks of the fact that those who athletes they are more involved in practicing this sportwhich has given many satisfactions to others States.

Certainly to reach the highest competitive level a lot of work is needed to reach those spheres, however, the most important thing is the human material who is showing great interest in being part of that selection who wants to represent Sinaloa in the most important competitions in the country.

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If a few years ago archery Few turned to see it, now the most important thing is that it is gaining more momentum every year, since the arrival of the pandemic of covid 19.

Vicente López Alvarado, president of the Archery Associationhe recalled that when they started in the Las Riberas Parknext to the flagpole, there were barely four or five children who approached out of curiosity to shoot an arrow, however as the days went by they began to gain flavor and with it, of course, to seek to improve their skills. aim.

There we take it, step by step, we don’t have rushwe know that one day we can have more medals in the Conade eventsalthough every time they put more obstacles to us with those movements to integrate more states to our region”, he acknowledged.

Now the conditions for training they are more comfortable and favorable, after since 2021 they were given a decent space for practices, behind the Maria del Rosario Espinoza gyma spacious stage where they can practice around 50 athletes.

Conditions have changed, going from 5 or eight competitors by managing to add to almost 200 throughout the state. In the municipality of Culiacán we have around 100 exponents. The Racquet Club has another 30. The UAS about 12 athletes, Cosalá, which is one of the best places for this practiceit has another 30 and in Los Mochis there are about 20”.

In the case of Mazatlan Another of the large municipalities, has not wanted to get into practicing archery, since there is already a coach.

the powers

Sinaloa sees himself in a short term fighting for the medals against the powers New LionBaja California and Coahuila, which are the ones that sweep the Skills of the Conade Nationals.

In that order are the occupants of the three first places and it is before them that they have faced to rescue the medals gold this year.

The boys have shown their talent in a first event that was held in Celaya, where we rescued 17 medals, of which 12 were gold. This is the best result that a delegation from our land has had in these events and they are a reason for great joy and satisfactionsbecause they are on the right track to be selection material for the next Conade Nationals”, said the leader.

In the first national event outdoor also in Monterreythey added 21 medals and now to close the year another 12, with which in the three events the delegation reached 50 medals in the year.

These children and young people compete in clean arc and recurve which is conventional and conventional compound which is pulley.

They are base children for the next championships of the National Conadeit is the intention to walk with these categories for future calls and each time we have more archersforming more talent than is intended.

One of the girls who has shown great powers is Camila Olivarría Medina, who obtained eight medals gold in the category barebow U12three of them in the classificationanother in the Individual round and the last in the mixed round, along with Dereck Uribe.

Others that make up this layer son, Alex Pérez, Sahid de Jesús Aguiar, Danna Zavala, Julián Angulo, another is Luis CháidezDaniel Ayón Mendoza, Sub 14 Sofia Mendoza, Ivanna Urías, Ashley Ceballos and Jade Ceballos Sauceda.

These are some of the boys they have had better blank at the national leveland there are others who are pushing hard with many desires to standing out and that’s fine for Associationbecause the delegation The one that goes by medal will be bigger. We need a greater number of Skills to continue growing, it is something elementary in all sports”, he clarified.

To know

only in three municipalities is practiced the archery; Culiacán, Los Mochis and Cosala. It is expected to join Mazatlan.

50 Medals hit the shot with arco in 2022


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