Allegri plays hide and seek – Forever Naples

Allegri is a shrewd man. To be able. Navigated.
“It’s a very important match for them”. From the series, it’s your turn to win the championship, play for it.
Closing of a clever pre-race press conference.
The skill in moving the needle of the balance, in this case, of pressure, is the prerogative of tightrope walkers and magicians.
A trick. Shift the balance to create decompensation. It is the characteristic on which judo is founded.

You win when your opponent loses balance.

Allegri knows how. His football isn’t spectacular, he doesn’t have a sparkling game but it’s profitable. A correct analysis tells of a team that comes from a long positive series and does so with a formation far from the starting one. You have to be careful. Spalletti knows it and is thinking about it.
We have attended the conference of a man who knows how to get the message across. Of the series, the ranking says that you are the strongest now prove it to you. In this way Max tries to make the Naples burden heavier.
Napoli is called to a mature test. More than the result, the approach and the management of the race count. We need a post Inter answer.
It’s up to you to prove that you don’t suffer from inferiority complexes.


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