With the Marquisate football – nrpyrenees.fr

Among young people, our teams played their best set of the year. Beyond the results (8 wins, 2 draws) we saw very good things and very good sequences. Envy but it’s true that it’s more encouraging when the results are there. Congratulations to all for this good morning and thank you to the FCPVG for their welcome!

U10 U11: Futsal on synthetic: 6 defeats, 1 draw and 5 wins, mixed u10 and u11 teams, good overall with defeats on the smallest score each time despite many chances and wide victories. Marquisate Juillan Group:

U13 B: Last plateau of the year with a 6-3 defeat against HOFC 2 and a 7-0 victory against HOFC 3.

U17 – U18: Victory of the U17-B against Haut-Adour 5 to 1 where the score was decided in the first half and defeat (4-1) of the U18 who were surprised by Montbazens – Rignac (12).

Seniors 3 to 8: Avalanche of goals at Lanne and parity score (8 to 8) against Rabastens. The frozen pitch didn’t dampen the scorers of the day unless the goalkeepers didn’t dive too much!

Seniors 2: For their last match before the break, the guys from Baptiste and Michel created a surprise by bringing back the 3 points from the ELPY. But there are games whose result we remember because the locals with a good team tried everything and missed the penalty for the equalizer. Goals from Alex Cande who signs a double.

Seniors 1: Cold shower on the pitch with the defeat against the Ariégeois of Fossat. The visitors open the score quickly following a ball not cleared. Baptiste equalizes before half-time. The second period is animated, Le Fossat takes the advantage which forces our players to react. Two or 3 chances could have brought the equalizer. The third goal at 93° is classic: we push to equalize and on the counter goal.

A delicate first part of the championship, the truce is there to rebuild a brand new morale.

Distribution of calendars:

Sunday morning about fifty leaders, players and parents walked the streets of the villages of the Marquisate to present the 2023 calendar. Thank you for the welcome they received.


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