The role of Allegri, the future in the balance and the first time without Agnelli: Juve, a new era begins

The new era begins. And the new Juventus. From Tuesday 6 December, the Juventus team resumes work at Continassa, under Massimiliano’s employ Allegriincreasingly made responsible by the owners, despite the absence of his friend and former president Andrea Lambs. In short: it changes a lot. But it doesn’t change ownership. And above all, the players do not change: the same ones from which the club restarts, to which in some ways it clings to weather the storm.

THE ROLE OF ALLEGRI – And in the storm the contribution of the helmsman will be fundamental, because the risk of being wrecked on the pitch has already been averted, but no one wants to go back to experiencing Juventus at the beginning of the season, from the very first part. Here we play a lot, everyone. Massimiliano Allegri does it in particular: it will be necessary to understand if he will be able to manage the field and the desk, it will be necessary to understand if his future is really so safe even without the man who acted as guarantor in moments of greatest difficulty. Good: it’s an exam and the first test will start in just under 30 days. 2022 is ready to become a memory, the team group is the only certainty of Juventus in 2023. From the early afternoon of Tuesday 6 December, the new era kicks off. The new Juventus.

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