Special Olympics Korea ‘Integrated Sports Team’ signboard hanging ceremony : Sports Donga

Special Olympics Korea Chairman Lee Yong-hun (right) and Goyang City Rehabilitation Sports Center Director Jeong Soon-kyu (left) attended the signboard hanging ceremony for the ‘SOK Integrated Sports Team’ held at the Goyang City Rehabilitation Sports Center on the 12th.

Goyang City Rehabilitation Sports Center designated as the operating institution of the ‘SOK Integrated Sports Team’

On the 12th, Special Olympics Korea (SOK, President Lee Yong-hoon) held a signboard hanging ceremony at the Goyang City Rehabilitation Sports Center (Center Director Jeong Soon-gyu) to designate it as an operating institution for the ‘SOK Integrated Sports Team’. The signboard hanging ceremony was attended by SOK Chairman Lee Yong-hoon, head of Goyang Rehabilitation Sports Center Jeong Soon-gyu, players and coaches, and other officials.

Integrated sports at the Special Olympics is an activity in which athletes with developmental disabilities (Special Olympics athletes) and athletes without disabilities (partner athletes) form a team to train and participate in games to understand each other and improve their skills through sports. The main purpose of integrated sports is to build a lasting relationship with each other beyond the playground with all players as equal team members with a sense of belonging.

The ‘SOK Integrated Sports Team’ supports soccer, basketball, volleyball, floorball, which is a group sport, and badminton, which is an individual sport. Thirty-six organizations operating integrated sports teams, including universities, are selected and operated from April to December this year.

Around September every year, when the operation of the integrated sports team is nearing completion, the ‘SOK Integrated Sports Competition’ is held so that all participating organizations of the integrated sports team from all over the country can gather together and bear fruit so far. are preparing

SOK Chairman Lee Yong-hoon said, “We expect the SOK Integrated Sports Team to play a central role in expanding the base of integrated sports for people with developmental disabilities and non-disabled people. He expressed his gratitude, saying, “I would like to express my gratitude to all the officials and instructors of the Goyang City Rehabilitation Sports Center who participated with great interest in support for people with developmental disabilities and integrated sports.”

The integrated sports team, which started in 2014, has increased the number of support organizations and operating events every year, and as of 2022, has achieved the achievement of expanding to 5 sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball, floorball, badminton) and 36 organizations.

Reporter Yang Hyung-mo [email protected] See more articles by reporter


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