Meucon. Subsidies allocated to associations have been voted


The municipal council, meeting on Tuesday, was devoted to subsidies, in particular. It decided to increase the basic amount, ie an increase of 1.2%.

AS Meucon football: €1,091. Handball Saint Avé-Meucon: €1,075. The blue note: €792. The city of living arts: €728. Badminton: €642; Apel Saint-Joseph, Secular Association of Sources, Solidarity Meucon: €331. Tennis Meucon-Plescop: €327. The Virades of Hope: €300. Meucon bike: €236. Gym, Floral art, the hunting society, Walking in Meucon, Comaréva, Ateliers des Trois Sources, Créat Loisirs, blood donation: €220.

School grants

They are also subject to a 1.2% increase. School Christmas: Des Sources school (125 pupils): €828; Saint-Joseph (98 students): €649.

Early learning: Des Sources school (125 pupils): €1,437; Saint-Joseph (98 students): €1,127. Allowance for school supplies: Des Sources school: €5,390; Saint-Joseph: €4,225.

The commission also proposes maintaining the compensation for providing management granted to the Sources school in the amount of €100, paid to the OCCE.

Town planning

The municipality owns a plot of 2.74 ha, rue du Stade. The Ogec of the Saint-Joseph school informed the municipality of a project to extend the school building, wishing to acquire a portion of this plot. The acquisition request related to an area of ​​175 m². The municipality does not plan to keep this space to create a public facility there. Before considering a transfer of ownership, the Domains service was consulted in order to issue an opinion on the domain value of this portion. The opinion given indicated a market value of €3,500 (10% appreciation margin) for a surface area of ​​175 m², ie a price per square meter of €20.

The buyers have been informed by expressing their wish to acquire a larger portion, namely a strip of 405 m². The Estates have confirmed the possibility of using the market value of €20 per m² for this larger area.

The town owns a cadastral plot AD 58 of 190 m² which is located on Allée Eugène-Jeanroy. Mr. and Mrs. Goutté, owner of the adjoining plot, informed of their wish to acquire a portion of this plot. The municipality does not plan to keep this space


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