José Canseco SENT MESSAGES to Aaron Judge – SwingCompleto

By Reynaldo Cruz

One of the first was sent out on September 13, and in it, the first Cuban with 40 home runs in a major league season said, “There’s a simple reason Judge will hit exactly 60 home runs this year.”

There is a simple reason why judge will hit exactly 60 hrs this year


With this message, we didn’t know exactly if Canseco was implying that the Judge was going to “run out of gas” and fall short in his quest to reach the 62 he would eventually reach, or if pitchers were simply going to have so much Tempor towards him that they were not going to throw him knowing that they could be associated with the record. By the way, that day Judge hit two home runs but was intentionally transferred.

On November 1, José’s tune changed (the Yankee juggernaut had already broken the single-season home run record in the American League) and began encouraging him to leave the Big Apple, mostly because of how during After the Yankees were eliminated in the postseason, the New York fans did not show their star the same love they showed him while he was chasing Roger Maris’ record. In the first of the tweets, alluding to a similar message from Jake Arrieta, he said:

«Aaron Judge, Arrieta was right, run, run, don’t walk towards the nearest entrance. Get out of New York, the place is a dump and the fans are horrible.”

Aaron judge Arietta was right run run don’t walk for the nearest exit get out of New York the place is a dump and the fans are awful


In the other he returned to praise the Judge and attack the New York fans:

“Aaron Judge, you are the God of baseball and the New York fans would have easily crucified you on occasion. Get out of there as soon as possible.”

Aaron judge you are the God of baseball and the New York fans would have easily crucified you at times get out of there ASAP


There was another Tweet pro Judge and anti Yankee fan on the date, but the Cuban was sending his tweets by voice message, and it almost doesn’t make sense. What is clear is that there is no love between José and the fans of the Bronx Mules. It was on that same date that he decided to challenge the American League home run record holder (to later start it again with the club):

“By the way, Aaron Judge, I can still hit a softball farther than you can hit a baseball. When you want to find out, contact me.»

Regardless, Canseco continued to send praise to Aaron:

“Aaron Judge, you are an anomaly, the face of baseball should be protected by MLB. You should be considered for your talent, entertainment value, and moral qualities.”

Aaron judge you are an anomaly the face of baseball you should be protected by should be highly regarded because of your talent,entertainment value and morals..


It is very clear that Canseco does not want to create a bad image by disrespecting who is today one of the main icons of baseball. However, he could not then remain silent again and challenged the Judge again:

“By the way, Aaron Judge, I’m your biggest fan but I could still hit a softball farther than you can hit a baseball.”

By the way Aaron judge I’m your biggest fan but I could still hit a softball further than you can hit a baseball


Clearly, Jose wants to have a home run derby with Judge, which if it were to come to fruition, if Judge agreed to (we can’t guarantee he’s aware of Canseco’s messages) would be a sight to behold, precisely because of all the entertainment and publicity (something Canseco LOVES) that all this could bring.

Not limiting himself to his own profile, José retweeted a Tweet from the station 95.7 The Gamewho posted a snippet of his speech in which he responded to questions about Judge ending up leaving the Big Apple due to booing by fans:

“…This man almost won the Triple Crown. He set the American League record for home runs … and his home crowd is booing him.”


Later, on November 29, he dared to predict that Judge would sign for 10 years and 380 million dollars:

Aaron judge 10 years 380 million



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