Cristiano Ronaldo is looking for a butler for his luxury villa. Offers a nice salary

Cristiano Ronaldo is looking for a butler for his luxury villa.  Offers a nice salary

Football player Cristiano Ronaldo is probably thinking about his future. He is currently furnishing a villa nearby in Lisbon with his partner Georgina Rodriguez and is looking for employees for his home. In addition, he offers a truly royal salary.

Specifically, it is a villa in the locality Quinta Marinha, which is a place about 30 kilometers from Lisbon. Ronaldo has already spent almost 20 million euros (approx. 490 million crowns) for the huge complex, but now he is looking for who will take care of his little nest.

According to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, he and his girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez are looking for four employees, including a cook and a butler, and they are offering them a handsome salary worth 6,000 euros per month (approx. 145,000 crowns).

​In return, in addition to experience in the field, they also require great discretion, which is understandable in the case of a famous soccer player.

The luxury villa will offer enough space for Ronaldo’s family, which includes a partner Georgina Rodriguez and five children. There will also be a room for Ronald’s mother and other acquaintances or for possible guests.

Of course, a gym, a swimming pool, a tennis court and a large garage, where the famous Portuguese can park his large fleet, are a must. It recently expanded to include a luxurious Rolls Royce for 250 thousand pounds (approx. 6.8 million crowns), which he received as a Christmas present from his partner Georgina.

Portugal with Cristiano Ronaldo lost to Morocco in the quarter-finals of the World Cup. The famous Portuguese then left the pitch in tears:


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