Butler leaves in love with Mexico after the love he receivedHalf time

Butler leaves in love with Mexico after the love he receivedHalf time

Mexico City /

Jimmy Butlerone of the most applauded players in the 111-101 victory of the Miami Heat about san antonio spursthanked the expressions of affection that he received during his visit to the Mexico Cityso he promised to return next summer.

The 33-year-old forward contributed 26 points to his team’s victory, but he did so amidst multiple displays of affection and recognition from a crowd that was mostly devoted to the Heat.

“This victory has great meaning, we leave the fans happy. I love playing basketball all over the world and in the last few days I was able to try Mexican food. I’m going back,” said Butler, who even ate grasshoppers during his stay in the country , as he himself mentioned.

“It means everything and we all appreciate it. I love that they mention my name and I don’t expect it, but I love it and I’m really going to return, I really want to have more experiences in Mexico next time,” said the player, who even left the court wearing a hat given to him by his performance.

Smiling for each experience lived, he also referred to the record of 16 wins and 15 draws, which puts them in good perspective to continue in the search for the playoffs.

“I’m definitely happy to break 500 and the atmosphere here is amazing, everyone smiling. Basketball is growing worldwide, I love soccer, it is my favorite sport”.


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