Yucatan brings together the best of youth tennis in the world when Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal inaugurates the 2002 Yucatan World Cup – Yucatan Now

-In the 35th edition of this sporting event, more than 200 tennis players from more than 50 countries around the world will participate.

The best of youth tennis in the world meets in Yucatan with the 2022 Tennis World Cup, one of the best international tournaments that was inaugurated tonight by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal and through which sports tourism and the promotion of sports are encouraged in the state, reflecting with the arrival of visitors that will generate economic income for the benefit of Yucatecan families.

In its 35th edition, the Yucatan World Cup will take place from November 21 to 27 and will have the participation of more than 200 players from more than 50 countries that, for the first time will have two local players in its main draw, will It is about Aimeé Rosado and Rodrigo Pacheco Méndez, in addition to the participation of the Paraguayan Adolfo Daniel Vallejo, current runner-up, and the Belgian Sofía Costoulas, who will be the first to seed.

From the “Lorenzo Molina Casares” court of the Yucatan Country Club and before the athletes and family members, Vila Dosal addressed a message in which he mentioned that, a year ago, in November 2021, it was one of the first events to be reactivated and Today, the situation in the state is different, since we came from a complicated economic issue and today the panorama is different.

Yucatan is one of the states with the fastest economic growth in the country, while we lost 25,000 jobs, today we have generated 50,000, 25,000 more than we lost and this year will be the best for tourism. In terms of security, in the first half of this year we continue to be the safest entity in the country and we have also reduced our criminal incidence, Vila Dosal indicated before the general director of the Sports Institute (IDEY), Carlos Sáenz Castillo.

Regarding sports, Vila Dosal pointed out that this has been a great year for Yucatan since we had the first Yucatecan to play in the Major Leagues, Manuel Rodríguez, who debuted with the Chicago Cubs; the Leones de Yucatán were crowned champions of the Mexican Baseball League and in the World Cup in Qatar tomorrow we will be supporting the first Yucatecan to reach that tournament, Henry Martín and the physical trainer Vicente Espadas, who is also the first Yucatecan to be part of a coaching staff and in this Cup we will be able to see another great Yucatecan athlete, Rodrigo Pacheco.

The Governor assured that this is a first-rate event and that the state is hosting it is something that fills us with pride, so he promised to continue working hard not only to bring great events, but to continue closing the inequality gap and putting our sports infrastructure to the fullest.

“In 2019 we rehabilitated the stadium “’Salvador Alvarado, this year we are remodeling the ‘Rommel Pacheco’ Aquatic Center and next year we will invest 75 million pesos in the rehabilitation of the ‘Benito Juárez’ sports unit, where many of our athletes who they are going to the youth Olympics, they are preparing”, said the Governor, thus reaffirming his commitment to sports in the state.

The general director of the Yucatan 2022 World Cup, Jorge Enrique Haro Giffenig, recognized the support of Vila Dosal from the beginning of his administration, since “he was concerned that we have all the tools and conditions for us to achieve grade A. “Thank you for working so that together we can offer this beautiful sporting tribute and most importantly, putting the name of Yucatan in the world at the top”, he indicated.

It should be noted that the Yucatan World Cup will have Grade “A” for the next two years, which places this event among the most important tournaments of the International Tennis Federation, only behind the youth Grand Slams.

When taking the floor, the President of the Yucatan Country Club, Arturo Millet Molina, expressed his gratitude to Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal “for his unconditional support to make possible the most important youth tennis event because it is thanks to the sum of efforts that could be carried out the realization of this, so thank you very much Governor, “he said.
In a great sporting environment made up of attendees from the stands, Vila Dosal witnessed the parade of athletes representing their countries from Germany, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Canada, China, Denmark, El Salvador, Spain, France, Great Britain, the United States, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Norway, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Serbia, Sweden, South Africa, Switzerland , Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Venezuela; as well as the arbitration body, the medical body in charge of the Marista University and cancheros were also presented.

The parade gave way to the presentation of the Dans Dans Academy school with the modern dance “Mexico is Present”, by Maestra Caro Coello and, later, Vila Dosal witnessed the opening ceremony by Rodrigo Pacheco Méndez from Yucatan and received the The former president of the Mexican Tennis Federation, Jesús Copete Enríquez, sent the first match in which Gerard Campana Lee of South Korea faced Jonathan Irwanto of the United States.

In this framework, the Governor together with the general director of the Yucatan 2022 World Cup, Jorge Enrique Haro Giffenig, presented recognition to the former president of the Mexican Tennis Federation, Jesús Topete Enríquez, for his great career.

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