Women’s Euro handball: Les Bleues continue their faultless and will face Norway in the semi-finals

Women’s Euro handball: Les Bleues continue their faultless and will face Norway in the semi-finals

That’s 100%. Difficult to arrive more confidently in the semi-finals for the French women’s handball team. In this Euro 2022, the Blue crush everything in its path, and Spain suffered the full force this Wednesday. Result, a resounding victory (36-23) by 13 goals despite a completely redesigned team. The workforce of the Bleues turned this evening, leaving in particular two executives, the goalkeeper Cléopâtre Darleux and the pivot Pauletta Foppa, at rest.

In a game without stakes, since France was already guaranteed to have a place in the last four and to finish first in their group, Les Bleues took the lead in this match from the first minute with Océane Sercien-Ugolin not to let go until the end. The difference was already made at the end of the first thirty minutes (17-9, + 8) thanks to an increasingly robust defense despite the absence of their number 1 goalkeeper. “We had a very good match. We only lost one ball in the first half. The team is stable, solid. We follow up well. We were able to get the young people to play”, enthused Olivier Krumbholz with BeIN Sports after the meeting.

Norway in the semis

The second half was played at the same pace, even allowing itself to rotate as much as possible. Léna Grandveau also scored her first goal in this Euro. Chloé Valentini finished top scorer in the game with 6 goals. Special mention also to Tamara Horacek, elected best player of the meeting with her 5 achievements. Camille Sinceet was also able to enter the cages. “It’s gratifying to be an integral part of the group with this victory. Everyone has been invested for a month. We had a very serious match, ”reacted the goalkeeper at the microphone of BeIN Sports.

On the bench, the executives did not even need to return. Béatrice Edwige, Estelle Nze Minko or even Grace Zaadi were able to rest peacefully. Impressive serenity since the start of the tournament with Les Bleues. The France team has simply never been led since the start of this Women’s Euro. Next step in the semi-finals Norway, beaten by Denmark (29-31). “It’s the revenge of last year. They are a tough team to play with superstar player Nora Mørk. We will try to reach the final, ”said the coach of the Blues. During their last clash in the final of the World Championship, Les Bleues lost by 7 goals (22-29). In 2020, they had lost in the final of the Euro again against these same Norwegians. There will be revenge in the air on Friday.


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