Opinion on Oviedo and Sporting: The white man’s forgiveness

The two greats of the madreñina “furgolística” have closed their participation in the 16th day of this Second Division that must be seen with a pillow and pajamas. Sporting and Oviedo suffered the same fate: two points went down the drain. Those of the Pitu already add too many days without winning. They mark, but not enough since the holes in the strainer are huge at the back.

At Oviedo, where everyone already knows what they are playing, they dismantle the bowling alley with very little. The blues continue to see how the business vanishes in the minutes of garbage. And in El Toralín, twice: tie and missed penalty. The end of the first round is approaching, and some conclusions can already be drawn while waiting for the winter market to resolve something, something quite improbable except for stratospheric investment if we stick to what usually happens traditionally with the signings that arrive after the nougats In Gijón, Abelardo insists every time someone brings up the subject that the objective of this Sporting is not the play-off. That yes, that the team competes and such and such but that their thing is not to go through difficulties like the (almost) dramatic season before and then we will see.

For the rest, let the masses not panic. Infantino, the president of FIFA, an organization that is an example of transparency, good conduct and use of its money in accordance with current legislation, asks the white man to kneel and apologize for 3,000 years of barbarism, that not everything is Qatar’s fault Did you hear, dude?


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