Men’s basketball. 96-69 Unstoppable! | University of Burgos

Tizona Universidad de Burgos adds yet another victory and becomes the only team in the category to remain unbeaten after seven days. The team led by Diego Ocampo swept away in a spectacular start with an 11-0 run that weighed down La Antigua Tormes for the rest of the game. Despite having a great match, the visitors were unable to return to the game despite exerting great physical wear and a very good defense that prevented Tizona from reaching one hundred points. Two triples from Tormes in the last eight seconds of the game made up a score that better reflected the work of Salamanca.

The game began with a Tizona who did not want to be surprised by an opponent who had nothing to do with the one in the first preseason match and who has matured as the games have gone by.

For this reason, Diego Ocampo brought out a quintet of guarantees that broke the game in the first seconds of the game, with a fast attack and defensive strength that made Tormes concede an 11-0 run in just ninety seconds of the game. The double triples by Papi Diene and Peter Stümer and Abdou Thiam’s dunk set the stage for a game that seemed simple at first sight.

The charros found themselves unable to stand up to the leader, increasing the deficit to fifteen points (21-6) halfway through the fourth, forcing Óscar Núñez to stop the match in search of a boost for his pupils.

And the key came with the entry of Nolan Beltrain onto the track. With just seconds to play, the forward scored two triples to wake up his team. The revulsion surprised the locals who saw how in just two minutes Tormes reduced the gap to six points with another three pointer from Beltrain (23-17).
With the score around six points apart, the visitors began to address Tizona in a match with a lot of rhythm and a lot of pressure that would reach the end of the first quarter with 34-24, Diego Ocampo’s team taking advantage of the last minute to return the ten points with the triple by Dídac Cuevas and the basket on the horn by Ayoze Alonso.

The points obtained at the last moment would once again serve Tizona to play calmly against an opponent who had to swim against the current again on the recovered ground.

At the start of the quarter, exchanging attacks, each mistake was taken advantage of by the rival to widen or reduce the difference. Again a triple from Beltrain brought the Azulona income below ten points and another outside shot from Marc García returned the six points margin to the score (40-34), and Diego Ocampo had to call a timeout to change the course of the game.

The coach opted for the entry of Peter Stümer while Dídac Cuevas would reappear with triple the tranquility to change the ruble of the game. Tavitian rushed and Papi Diene took advantage of the rebound to extend the lead again.

Tormes got stuck and Óscar Núñez tried to move the bench, resting his quintet with the entry of Pedro de la Calle and Nelson Yengue, however, Tizona was already back in the shuttle and with Dídac Cuevas in the lead he started again again to break the meeting.

With another 11-0 run, the income returned to the maximum of the game so far (51-34) and only forty-eight seconds to rest, so the coach from Salamanca chose to stop the game again. Zachary Tavitian hit the triple, missing Ayoze Alonso and Papi Diene the last local play, reaching the halfway point of the game with 51 to 37 on the scoreboard.

Despite the difference in the score, both teams offered an even match and a nice bases duel between Dídac Cuevas and Marc Sánchez. The equality was maintained in the first bars of the quarter, but the physical exhaustion of the five charro players who accumulated the most minutes on the track began to take its toll on a willful Tormes who pressed all over the game rectangle.

It would not be until the last minutes of the quarter when the Burgos managed to break the game definitively. A triple by Joe Cremo placed a new high on the scoreboard (67-48) with three minutes left to go in the quarter, an income that increased in the last minute to twenty-six points when Peter Stúmer took advantage of a midfield robbery by Ayoze Alonso and score a lethal triple for the visitors (78-52).

With the game sentenced, both teams slowed down the pace of the game in the last quarter. The Tizona, much superior, was looking for the wear and tear on Tormes to increase the income against a tired rival who did not want to lose face in the game. Diego Ocampo chose to give minutes to Sergio Val and David Gómez in a comfortable end of the game where Tizona reached a maximum advantage of thirty-two points (94-62).

However, the claw displayed by Tormes meant that, in the last eight seconds of the game, Zavitian’s and Mensah’s three-pointers made up the score in a highly competitive match where Tizona’s experience and quality tipped the balance.

A new triumph that makes the people of Burgos add seven consecutive victories and proclaim themselves as the only team in the category to remain unbeaten after losing Basketball Menorca against Prat in the Eastern group on Saturday.

Next Sunday Diego Ocampo’s team will return to the competition against the second classified Rioverde Clavijo, second classified who only reaps a defeat in his locker.

Match data

Tizonza Basketball Club University of Burgos: Didac Cuevas (24), Peter Stümer (11), Rodrigo Seoane (-), Papi Diene (7) and Abdou Thiam (15) are all in the squad. Also playing: Ale Bortolussi (2), Sergio Val (2), David Gomez (-), Joe Cremo (18), Totte Alonso (7), Garmine Kande (6) and Ayoze Alonso (4). Coach: Diego Ocampo.

The Old CB Tormes: Marc Garcia (13), Acoydan McCarthy (2), Bright Mensah (15), Zachary Tavitian (13) and Prince Orizu (5). Also playing: Nelson Yengue (1), Antonio Morales (4), Cesar Yanez (4), Alvaro Sanchez (-) and Nolan Beltrain (11). Coach: Óscar Núñez.

Partials: 34-24 / 17-13 (51-37) / 27-16 (78-53) / 18-16 (96-69)

Communication Department of the Tizona Basketball Club
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