Important Facts About Football


A touchdown is one of the most important goals in football. It is scored when a player carries the ball across the goal line or makes a catch in the end zone. A touchdown is worth six points and a team is given a bonus for converting the extra point. This extra point conversion is called an extra point attempt.


Goalkeepers are unique players in football, with specific physical and psychological requirements. Their position, and the injuries they suffer, differ from other positions, with injuries to the upper extremity being the most common. These differences influence the medical and preparation concepts, as well as the return to play process.

Offside law

The offside law in football has long been the source of controversy and has seen multiple amendments. It was introduced in the first half of the 20th century and has since been revised a number of times. Still, there are times when a mistake may lead to an offside call. One such case is the 2006 UEFA Champions League final, when Cameroonian Samuel Eto’o scored against Arsenal FC.

Field goals

Field goals are a crucial part of the game, and can be the difference between a win and a loss. As a result, kicking a field goal is a difficult skill, and it is important to stay calm when under pressure. Also, kicking a field goal is not guaranteed to be successful, especially in bad weather.

Penalties for fouls

Penalties for fouls in football can vary from team to team. In general, penalties are administered in order of occurrence, and penalties for dead ball fouls are administered in a different order than other fouls. Dead ball foul penalties do not count toward the overall yardage of the series; rather, they are assessed separately.

Rules of play

Football games are based on a set of rules. These rules determine how the ball is moved across the field of play. Teams either run with the ball or throw passes to advance the ball. Each team designs different passing and running plays for each down. Teams are required to move the ball at least 10 yards on each down. If they fail to do so, they lose the ball.
