Ice Hockey Basics

ice hockey

Ice hockey is a sport that involves skating on a frozen rink. The game consists of two teams and three players. The game consists of three 20-minute periods. Each stoppage in the game stops the clock. The hockey puck is a hard object made of dense rubber that weighs 6 ounces. Players hit the puck with either their stick or their foot. The goal tender is responsible for handling the puck.


Ice hockey goalies use different stances to stop shots. There are two main stances. One is called the stand-up stance, while the other is called the stick stance. The stand-up style is the most traditional and has been used for decades. A goaltender may use their arm or a part of their body such as their leg to stop a puck, while the stick stance is a more advanced style.


In ice hockey, the players are called forwards. The term forward refers not to the player themselves, but to their position on the ice. Generally, a forward will stay in one of the three lanes of the ice, but that is not a requirement.


A one-timer is a shot that is taken in one fluid motion. It is usually a slap shot, and can be difficult to stop.


A pinch in ice hockey is a move made by the defensemen to cover the puck carrier. When it’s used properly, a pinch can turn a game around. Pinching can be tricky and requires precision.

Left wing lock

The left wing lock is a defensive ice hockey strategy that is similar to the neutral zone trap. The goal is to prevent the opposing team from scoring. It works by blocking the ice hockey player from entering the zone.

Legal hits

When playing ice hockey, it’s very important to follow the rules of the game. This means that you must avoid any illegal hits. Checks are legal when they are delivered by the trunk of the body, between the hips and shoulders. Checks that go to any other area of the body can result in a penalty.

Penalty shots

Penalty shots in ice hockey are a common part of the game. When a player is fouled by another player, they are entitled to take a penalty shot. This shot is considered to have been taken, and the player who was fouled is given the opportunity to try to score the goal. In some situations, penalty shots can be decisive in deciding the outcome of a game.
