Football podcast Sjotcast World Cup Qatar 2022. xxx

Football podcast Sjotcast World Cup Qatar 2022. xxx

Another World Cup day over, another Sjotcast. And one for which everyone turned out. While Yanko got to see the amazing Kylian Mbappé up close, Pieter-Jan explains Lewandowski’s tears, Jürgen tells the hallucinatory story of an Egyptian selfie hunter who tried to fatsham Eden Hazard and Ludo warns that we shouldn’t be surprised if Hans Vanaken is soon in the Devil’s Base appears.

Yanko Beeckman

Shotcast at the World Cup

The World Cup has started. After her daily Shooting cast EK your football podcast now goes one step further. For example, Yanko is going to the Middle East to make a daily episode there. Lars mans the home front and receives Frank Raes to cover the matches of the Red Devils. They will receive Franky Van der Elst for the first match of our national team.

Listen to all episodes of Sjotcast here


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