Difference Between Karate and Judo

Karate and Judo are martial arts that originated in Japan. Both have distinct features. Judo can be called a soft martial art, which mainly involves physical action against the opponent, while karate can be called a hard martial art, which involves striking the opponent’s body.

A karate fighter strikes an opponent, while a judo practitioner throws an opponent hard. Whereas a karate fighter knocks a person into submission, a judo fighter grabs an opponent and wraps or traps them, with the aim of tiring the opponent out.

Whereas a karate fighter draws energy from Mother Earth and uses it against his opponent in the form of blocking and counterattacks, in Judo the energy is drawn from the opponent to Mother Earth by throwing him down. As a sport, points are earned in karate by kicking and punching, while in judo it is by grappling and throwing opponents, as in wrestling. In judo, the body and its weight and its balance against the opponent determine the course of the fight, while in karate the hands are used to chop and the legs are used to kick the opponent.

Karate is an offensive form of martial art whereas Judo is purely a defensive form of martial art. Karate as a fighting style is fairly dramatic, unlike judo which is mainly grappling. In karate, on the other hand, the process of blocking blows or dropping them on other people or objects (like breaking boards and objects) looks quite spectacular. It’s no surprise, then, that while judo doesn’t feature much in movies, karate is a staple of many. Hollywood’s “The Karate Kid” series of movies is an example.

Judo and Karate in a way symbolize two completely different approaches to the art of combat. In Judo, the emphasis is not on brute strength or sheer strength. It’s more of a gentle but firm defensive attitude where our body and the way it stances and balances against the opponent gives us the upper hand. Karate, on the other hand, is a direct, confrontational approach, where we boldly block the opponent’s movements and attack the opponent vigorously with our hands and legs.

Difference Between Karate and Judo

  1. Judo is a soft martial art that mainly involves physical movements against opponents. Karate can be said to be a hard martial art, and its blows are landed on the opponent’s body.
  2. A person in karate beats someone into submission, while a person in judo grabs, wraps, or traps an opponent in order to tire him out.
  3. As a sport, karate involves scoring points by kicking and punching, while in judo it is by grappling and throwing opponents like wrestling.
  4. Karate is an offensive and aggressive form of martial art whereas Judo is purely a defensive form of martial art.

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