An integration project for disabled athletes in Nuoro – Sardinia

An integration project for disabled athletes in Nuoro – Sardinia

“On the wings of inclusion” promoted by SpeedySport and Caritas

(ANSA) – NUORO, NOVEMBER 25 – Sport, social relationships and opportunities for education and training. These are the pillars of integration for disabled children, contained in the project “On the wings of inclusion”, promoted by the Caritas of the Diocese of Nuoro and by the Asd SpeedySport onlus, with the patronage of the Municipalities of Nuoro and Galtellì and with the participation the National Association of Disabled Civilians (Anmci) and some schools: the Commercial Technical Institute, the Fermi Scientific High School and the Human Sciences High School.

This morning at the San Giuseppe theater in Nuoro the first of the two days that launch the project – which will continue on December 3 with a session dedicated to sport – with a training seminar entitled “Sport as a means of social inclusion”.

From April 2023 until June, the project will implement a series of sports activities in Nuoro and will conclude in September with two conferences on the subject. In the San Giuseppe theater, packed with SpeedySport and Anmci students and high school students, experts took part, including Marco Calamai, basketball coach of Fortitudo Bologna and inventor of the “Calamai method” on the relationship between sport and disability, the psychiatrist Franca Carboni, the SpeedySport pedagogist Francesco Fancello and the president of the territorial Anmc Francesco Bosu.

“The project intends to promote dignified living conditions and a system of satisfactory relationships for people who have difficulties in their personal and social autonomy – explained Fancello – We will work on the organization of sports activities such as football, athletics, bowls, archery and moments of meetings in relational contexts where young people can act, choose, play and see their identity and role in society recognised”. “Our society must create spaces and opportunities to promote the inclusion and autonomy of people with disabilities and sport can be that means capable of creating the conditions for breaking down physical and mental barriers” added Francesco Bosu. (HANDLE).

