An Argentinian mistakenly bet in favor of Saudi Arabia and won $25,000


As the young man explained, Eve entered a well-known online betting application at halftime. At that moment, Argentina was up on the scoreboard by one point and she wanted to bet that the team would score one more goal against Saudi Arabia. However, she was wrong and clicked in favor of the rival.

In a WhatsApp conversation that the user shared, you can see how the lucky woman tells her intimates: “Che, I don’t know what I bet.” With the result in favor of Saudi Arabia, the woman increased her earnings, which started at around six thousand pesos and exceeded $27,000. Minutes later, what is probably the only Argentine who won yesterday shared the amount she accumulated.

He just told me that he bet on Saudi Arabia at halftime!!!! Thinking that number 2 was that Argentina was going to score one more goal. I can’t believe it”, recounted his partner.

The publication caught the attention of Twitter users, in the midst of pain over the defeat of the team, and quickly went viral. The tweet got more than two thousand retweets, more than 108 “likes” and hundreds of comments. “I’m glad that someone in this country enjoys despite having lost”; “At least you have 25 Lucas”; and “She has it hyper clear”, were some of the comments from the users.


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