Vighini: Cioffi or Bocchetti, the result does not change. And it is dramatic | TgGialloblu

It was just an illusion to think that Verona’s problems were represented by Cioffi. The truth that emerges from Sassuolo is much deeper and in some ways dramatic: Verona is a fragile team, poor in quality and with two enormous problems. He always takes goals and doesn’t score any. A perfect storm that if not resolved will lead to only one consequence: relegation. At the sixth consecutive defeat and after having changed a coach, Verona today has few excuses. Bocchetti tried to bring the concepts of Juric and Tudor but he found himself coaching a team in which the quality has dropped dramatically and in which there are interpreters who are unfortunately not suitable for that type of football. It is nobody’s fault but those who have built a team improvising on the transfer market, without a clear idea of ​​where to go. It is more than evident that Henry and Hien do not belong to this football. Nobody argues whether they are good players or not. But certainly they can no longer play in a Verona that rejects them as if they were transplanted organs. Henry fails to tie the game, you never know how to serve him, he doesn’t press, he even misses trivial stops. He should perhaps be in the middle of the area waiting for some crosses, but it is clear that this is not how Verona’s game develops. If you remember the incredible work that Cholito Simeone did and compare it to Henry’s, you will have easily found the root of the problem.

It was Simeone who allowed Caprari and Barak to triangulate, who created depth, which allowed overlapping. Even when he wasn’t scoring, his competitions were always highly rated taking into account his exceptional “dirty” work. He was probably the only “non-transferable” among the three of the attack.

Hien is a powerful player but has never played a man. He is a fish out of water, especially as a “arm”, he is doing worse than Bertoldo. The defense of Verona was also the Achilles heel of last season. The poor performances of the defenders were masked by the goals of the forwards. It was the first department to be reinforced. And in fact Cioffi had indicated in Pablo Marì the right man to try to raise the bar. Someone last week deluded himself that Magnani could be our Beckenbauer.

Bocchetti does not have a magic wand. He could become a great coach, but now he’s getting tough for him too. His embarrassment, even dialectical, emerged strongly after the race. It’s not like he became a great coach just because he signed a five-year contract. Like Cioffi, more than Cioffi, he needs to be accompanied and protected by society. He must have a valuable staff next to him, in the wake that Juric had indicated with the fundamental accompaniment of D’Amico. It’s not over until it’s over, that’s for sure, and celebrating early funerals now would be a terrible own goal. Unfortunately, however, the precedents of this company, capable in a few months, if not weeks, of squandering the good that had been built, does not lead to optimism.

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