Utah beats Portland, Simone Fontecchio does not record

October 5, 2022

Brilla Clarkson, author of 19 points

Many pre-season races played in the night. Excellent performance of Utah which is imposed on Portland (118-101 the final). Brilla Clarkson, author of 19 points. On the other hand, a Lillard with a total of 21 points is not enough.

Space also for Fontecchio. The blue, on his first outings with the Jazz shirt, plays 10 ‘but does not find the way to the basket (0/2 shooting). In the other games, New York brilliantly beats Detroit (117-96) while Minnesota beats Miami (121-111). Success also for New Orleans: 129-125 against Chicago with Williamson protagonist with 13 total points in 15 ‘total on the field.

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